Do you want to pursue your passions and have a team that will back you?
The INNovation STUDIO culture is set up to help you create your own asset or business that you can grow. You have the flexibility of how much work you want to put into your asset. INNovation Studio will help you grow and give you the resources, network, and people to make it into a reality.
Make it your own
First, you will create your own INN. You may name it as you see fit but we ask that you keep it INNOVATIVE by adding INN before it. So you can be INN Mushroom if you want to be an innovative urban mushroom farmer! We will feature links to your webpage and give you the insight to create your presence online.
We work with you on paid projects which we call INN Service. You may set the price as you see fit and the profit you want to maintain. The INNovation STUDIO members that work for you will have a reasonable hourly rate depending on the size and scope of the project. They will also be able to bring to the table their insight to your project and help make it innovative and unique.
If you have an INN House project, such as having another INNovation STUDIO member teach you how to build something for an hour you will pay him back with your time or a product that is worth that amount of time.
Please fill out an application with INNovation STUDIO LLC!